MBA Scholarships
Many scholarships are offered for students who are seeking Undergraduate and Postgraduate Courses in the UK. The scholarship can range from £500 – £5000, depending on the university, the course, student’s academic background and experience.
Typically the universities award scholarship to students who have very good academic background, good GRE/GMAT and TOEFL/IELTS scores.
We are offering one full scholarship (100% reduction off the course fee) and a number of scholarships at 40%, 30% and 20% reduction off the course fee are available. Please note the scholarships cannot be taken in conjunction with any other discount or bursary offered by the University with the exception of the 2% early payment discount which is applied to the net value of the fee. The early payment discount is available to self-funding students who pay their tuition fee in full in advance of the beginning of the academic year.
Please complete an MBA Scholarship Application Form (Word version if required) and submit this no later than 30 April 2019 for the first round of scholarships and 25 June 2019 for the final round of scholarships. Successful scholarship applicants will be required to accept their place on the programme within four weeks of notification in order to obtain the reduction in the fee.
Please ensure that all existing MBA applicants are informed at the earliest opportunity, taking note of the deadlines, and you also use this in your promotion for prospective MBA students.
From September 2018 we will be running TWO MBA programmes as follows:
1. MBA Full Time (12 months)
2. MBA Full Time with Business Placement (12 months + 12 months Business Placement) – Total 24 months.
(course title subject to review)
The full fee for the taught part for both courses is £17,100 – students are eligible either for the 10% GOAL Award or the MBA Scholarship (not both). The Placement Year will carry a placement fee of approximately £2000 (exact fee TBC) however the student will earn a full time salary during this year, working in a UK company, meaning they will more than recoup the placement fee. Details of the placement companies will be made available in due course, however students should note that they will be need to go through a selection process for these placements and must perform well throughout to be selected for the best placements.
Applicants will need to indicate which option (with or without placement) they wish to choose at the time of application. Changes after CAS documents are issued will be complicated and possibly expensive (for the student). We request your support in ensuring students are properly counselled so they make the right choice.